Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Embarking On A New Journey.

"A mighty flame followeth a tiny spark." - Dante

As christmas past by and New Year will greeted. A new year will started with twelve month to last. And the coming month I know with my dearest friend who believe in Saiburi United Project by my side, we'll win out, just watch how we do it and you'll see.

Looking back last year, days fill with hurdles and obstacles, moment of heartaches, bleak, toil, and pain. But I stand in the thick of fight. That extreme misery force me to change the path of my life, the life without false beliefs that elude me. It's free me from; to be controlled by my false dream conditioning. And I'm embarked on a fascinating journey of discovery who I am and what truly make me do what I do.

In every man and woman's life there comes a time of ultimate challenge- a time when every resource we have is tested. A time when life seems unfair. A time when our faith, our values, our patience, our compassion, and our ability to persist, are all pushed to our limit and beyond. Some people allow these experiences of life to destroy them. But, I've promise myself to use such tests to become a better person. I'm not discourage, every false path discarded is another step closer to fulfill my destiny, another step closer to Saiburi.

With the help of friends and family, whose wisdom and unconditional love pulled me through the bumpy road, and whose input I always hold valuable, I am eternally grateful- when someone unexpectedly pays us a compliment, or does us a good turn, it evoke a feeling akin to the first stirring of love, a weightlessness and joy that make all problems suddenly seem like possibilities. We begin to believe that no matter how much pain others have inflicted on us, goodness is still possible, compassion exist, selflessness hasn't been totally forgotten. And the more kindness other bestow upon us, the more we want to pass on some of our own. I realized that I had not achieved my goal for the year, but by pursuing it, I'd come across an even greater gift, a gift of friendship, a gift of value beyond compare.

And yes, what didn't bring me joy, I shall leave them behind and learn to grow from every mistake. I won't let my fear of being wrong dampening my spirit from living my creative life and the freedom to share myself creatively. Most of new idea don't work, at least not in their original form. But when two or more ideas combine, a breakthrough occurs that can change my life. I will keep my mind open all the time.

I rang this year with good things in mind. I believe that in the deepest part of ourselves, we all want to do what we believe is right, to go beyond ourselves, to commit our energy, time, emotion, devotion, creativity, and capital to a larger cause. Regardless of almost everything seems to went terribly wrong last year. I'm still a believer. I believe that we all sent here for a reason and that simply mean we all have significance in the world. I genuinely feel that we all are blessed with unique gift. The expression of our gift contributes to a cause greater than ourselves. So, I'm not discourage, because every wrong attempt discarded is another step; forward.

Hopefully new year will bring love, wisdom, and more clarity to pave the new path with new hope. To embark on a journey to enrich the spirit, to revels in a new height of passion and joy. To take the brush of my imagination and begin painting a masterpiece of life's canvas. To reinforce the commitment to grow, expand, contribute, and make a different, thereby fulfilling my destiny. Life is too short not to chase your dreams.

Another year, another chance to start my life anew, try to leap the old barrier to get a real breakthrough, to lay groundwork to build Saiburi United Project.

Dear friends, all I want you to know is how grateful I am to have you all in my life. Who've touched me in some very special way, who've say the right thing when I need it the most, who've inspired me to achieve a greater height. It has been an invisible enormous source of strength and insight for me to restore my ability to dream, to hope, and to replenish my willpower to persist. Whenever I feel like quitting, you always remind me, one day, things will get better. It's restore my strength to endure the struggle therefore it's restore my belief in my ability to triumph over all obstacles. So, someday I can cherish everything. And most importantly who've inspired me to take action and to grow to a new level.

In the mean time, I thank you your kindness for share some sacred space of your heart with me. May your hunt for human excellence be fruitful and never ending. May you dedicate yourself, not only to strive for the goal you have set, but to meet them and set even more; not only to hold to the dreams you have had, but to dream greater dream than before; not only to enjoy this beautiful country and its wealth, but to make it a better place to live; and not only to take what you can from this life, but to love and give back generously. I leave you with a simple Irish blessing.... May the road rise to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm on your face, the rains fall soft upon your field, and until we meet again.... I wish for each of you overflowing with blessing. Twelve month ahead filled with magic, miracles, many happy surprise, and of course lots of joy.

Happy New Miracle Year!

P/s: Remember to expect miracles... because you're one!

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