Saiburi United Project.
I've knocked many doors, but so far few are answered, very few. But if I continue knocking, I convinced I can open door just one small crack, maybe reluctant people will walk in, maybe not today, maybe not immediately, but this seed will be planted and another soul will be pointed in the direction of our race greatness' destiny.
But at the same time I also been bless, not all people laugh at my dream, but some are very generous people with a beautiful soul. Who are so far help the most. Not in material object, but in something that is more precious, their sincere prayer, their beautiful words, their encouragement to keep me fight for this dream. In the process of pursuing this dream I've came across an even greater gift, a gift of friendship, a gift of value beyond compare. Thank you so much, I'll be eternally grateful for that.
This is a very big dream I understand, I'm pursuing a goal against heavy odds. Too big for me to carry this responsibility alone. That's why I invite you all to join, because this is our dream, all of us. You and me, if we work together we'll possess enormous capacity to accomplish it if we really believe in. Our small community demanding great personal commitment and sacrifice from the chosen. You and me, we are the chosen one. The question is, will you answer that calling? Do you want to be safe and good, or you want to take chance with me and make our race great? This is crucial, the key is to understand what our race CAN be the best in the country at, and equally important, what we CANNOT be the best at- not what we "want" to be best at. And if we understand that, we can channel our energy, money, and time to be the best at something. And for me this is the best field that give our best shot.
For 15 years, through out my work, from wait the table to bar tender, to kitchen helper, butcher and executive chef, through out my culinary journey and travel through out Thailand. I've gain enough knowledge and experience. Cooking for me is not just a job, but it's get me out from poverty, it's give me sense of purpose, it's offer me greater opportunities to expand, learn, grow, and share this knowledge with others in a meaningful and enjoyable way, create value for myself and others and above all it's teach me to dare to dream, it's give my soul wings to fly!
For 15 years I've persist through my life with a great struggle so long alone, with an unwavering faith that someday I'll be rewarded. As a Siamese, Thailand people always see us as a Malaysian, or "khon Thai Malay", that is what they call us. To work with Thailand people, they sometime so reluctant to share their knowledge. Their hostility is often torn my stout heart, their futility of words is a torment to my soul. And in the state of exhausted mind, despondency, and mentally worn out, I've been thinking to quit; many times! Despite all that, despite my weakness, my Siamese soul never been defeated. Nobody could rob me the conviction that Siamese is a great race, that give me the strength in my own way. Although I am a typical loner in my daily life, my consciousness is belonging to the invisible community of those who strive for the greatness of Siamese people has preserved me from feeling isolated. I believe that, somewhere out there there is some one who are sharing my path. If I keeps walking, universe will brought us together some how. I believe life deliberately test us to train, shape and prepare us for something bigger. I keeps persevere with a faith that this unearned suffering is redemptive; and my dream is to redeem my token of suffering with better social condition for my community.
I'll go back to Saiburi, to found a new way of life. For 102 years since we've separate from kingdom of Siam, we keep our Thai-ness way of life well. We still go to Thai school after formal school, learned Thai culture, we are living in very Thai way of life. And if we add cooking to our culture and teach our new generation of boys and girl, our Thai character our "kfarm pen Thai" will be complete, will be whole. And the most important thing is, they can fully utilize Thai language knowledge because, the recipes book are in Thai. This is the area that we can use our strength into practice. This is our advantage, this is our privilege. As a Siamese we possess our own unique form of greatness, now it's the time to turn that into an outstanding professional. What we can or cannot do, what we consider possible or impossible, is rarely function of our true capability. It's more likely a function of our beliefs about who we are. Today, I challenge you, my fellow Siamese, to change your belief system from, "I can never succeed because I'm a Siamese." to, "Because I'm a Siamese, I have resources available to me that no other could never dream of!" Belief have the awesome potential to create and destroy. I believe you are reading my blog because deep down you've decided you will not settle for less than the best you know you're capable of. Then learn to choose the belief that empower you; create convictions that drive you in the direction of the destiny that calls to the highest within you. Your family, your community, and your country deserve no less.
I have a dream, despite of all difficulties and limitations that I'm facing today, I still have a dream. I dream someday in near future, our Siamese boys and girls from Kangar, Beseri, Kubang Tiga, Ayer Itam, Padang Sera, Kubang Chenok, Jitra, Lampam, Naka, Titi Akar, Padang Peliang, Paya Mak Ison, Kura, Kalai, Begia, Ceruk Padang, Sirako, Tas, Baling, Tasek, Kota Bahru, Tumpat, Jungkau, will work under one roof in the name of brotherhood, in the name of Saiburi fighter. With a great determination and commitment to make Siamese race great.
I have a dream.
I have a dream, someday the best Thai chef in this country will not be judge by their country of origin but the content of their character, creativity, talent, skill, knowledge and hard work and craftsmanship. I have a dream someday, a Siamese chef will be recognize, that they are not the second best from the best Thai chef from Thailand. I know not what course other may take; but for me this is the path that I will walk. I simply wouldn't accept any other possibility!
This is a new way of life. In order to do that, we have to leave behind the old and go in quest of the seed of idea, a germinal idea that will have potentiality of bringing forth the new thing. Saiburi United Project, or 'Khronggarn Saiburi Samakkhi', is not just a restaurant's project, but also cooking school, activity center, training center, under one roof. To train our next generation to become competent with Thailand chef. But we don't have to depend on Thai people for the knowledge, cos what I have with me is the wealth of knowledge and experiences and I think that 15 years of experiences in restaurant business and through out my travel to all over Thailand. I'm thoroughly prepare to share this precious knowledge.
I decided many years ago that the most important way I could spend my life would be to invest it in something that would outlast it. I decided that somehow I must contribute in some way to our society that would live on long after I was gone.
But of course it's need a lot of money, (around half a million to be accurate) the money that I don't have, the money that I not yet have. But I'll work hard for that. I don't need your money, I just need your support. And of course with only spm education and come from under privilege family my resource and contact is very limited. All I want to do here us voice out my intention for the benefit of our next generation. And if you have any field of expertise to help, any kind of help are welcome. So, for the benefit of our next generation, SAIBURI UNITED PROJECT will happen sooner rather than later.
This decision that you and me make today will change the course of direction of our race. Of course not just by cooking alone, but the history of it, of Siamese people, the history of the food and above all, we will refine the way we cook and automatically we will refine the words that we are using in everyday life. Because Siamese people only have a few way, or a few words to describe cooking method. Compare to Thai words, it's have more words. To become an effective cook the introduction to this new method of cooking is crucial. Because as a Siamese, we don't live in a culture that puts a great premium on precise communication. It maybe be one of our biggest cultural failing. Language reflects a society's need. An Eskimo has several dozen words for "snow". Why? Because to be able to make fine distinctions between different kinds of snow. There is snow you can fall through, snow you can built igloo out of, snow you can run your dog in, snow you can eat, snow
that ready to melt. To become an effective cook, and a competitive race, same rules apply.
I see visions in my head, with a beautiful picture, all the sounds, sights, smells, tastes, vividly real, a vision of the future in all it's glory, and if we don't get them together, nobody else will. Nobody! Why not? You are alive, you are creative, you can creating, and the most important fact of all; you are a Siamese! It is a special blessing to belong among those who can devote their best energies to creates a new culture, it's timeless thing. How happy and grateful I am for having granted this blessing, which bestows upon me a large capacity to learn, from language to run a restaurant and cooking skill. It's a gift, a wonderful privilege. And yet it's will be more meaningful if I can share it with our next generation, it's doesn't counts much how great we do as individual or how much money we have in the bank account. If we can't progress as a Siamese race, it's doesn't counts that much.
Of course the purpose, the real purpose of this project is not to make money. But food industry is blooming, people have to eat no matter what. And good food is become more and more rare to find nowadays. The main purpose of this project is to equip our next generation with valuable skill, so few years from now this country doesn't depend too much on Thailand human power source to fill the need of man power in this industry. And of course even though the main idea of this project is not to make money. But people, this is food industry! We can make some money, to keep this project going and we can live a comfortable life doing it. And above all don't just live life, but be passion about it. You only live once, go out be excited, if the path is not there, be a pathfinder, make one! And this is a brand new path we going to pave, it's not going to be easy, it's never will. But if you and I can work together, unity make a lot of things possible.
Will today be the day you finally decide that Siamese people are a race that is much more than we've demonstrating? Will today be the day, our turning points, the defining moment in our lives when we change direction and embark on our great journey? Will today be the day you decide for once and for all that it's not where we start out but the decisions we make about where we're determined to end up that matter? Will today be the day that Siamese people will fight with sweat and blood, will work valiantly; a great race who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions and spend ourselves in a worthy course; a great race, who, at the best, knows in the end of triumph of high achievement, and who, at worst, if their fail, at least fail while daring greatly; so our place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knows either victory or defeat. Will that day will come? If we are united, nothing will stop us from achieving it. We will not be
'United we stand' is maybe sounds cliché, but it's more applicable in this project more than anything.We cannot walk alone.That is the theme of this project, Saiburi; United We Stand or Saiburi; "samakkhi rao yeunyong" in Thai. It's music to my ears, it's our anthem, it's our dream, it's our vision, you and me.
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